Residence Permit - Seasonal Works

Seasonal works in Italy

Residence Permit for seasonal work is suitable for foreigners performing work related mainly to agriculture or tourism.

A residence permit for this motive is issued by Ufficio immigrazione in Questura(Police) at the request of a foreigner who entered Italy after receiving a Nulla Osta (a special permit which is received in Italy before obtaining visa in your country).

'Permesso di soggiorno' for seasonal work is suitable for foreigners performing work related mainly to agriculture or tourism.

A residence permit for this motive is issued by Ufficio immigrazione in Questura (Immigration office in Police) at the request of a foreigner who entered Italy after receiving a Nulla Osta.

The contract between the employer and the foreign citizen must last at least 20 days and no more than 9 months without the possibility of renewal beyond this maximum limit.
In order to obtain a permit (Nulla Osta), an employer must submit an application to the Ufficcio Immigrazione (Immigration office) to hire a foreigner to perform specific work.

Conversion of 'Seasonal work' Residence Permit

- Conversion of Permesso di soggiorno (residence permit) is possible starting from the second stay in Italy for seasonal work.
- Subject to the availability of quotas (limited number of resident permits which can be converted this year)
-The procedure for converting a second residence permit "for seasonal work" is carried out without the participation of the Italian Consulate in your country.

Official information and a detailed action plan can be found at
On 04/14/2019, a Decree (Decreto) was published in the Gazzetta ufficiale, according to which the government allocates 30,850 quotas for seasonal and not seasonal work.
Quotas for foreigners wishing to receive Residence Permit based on the motives 'lavoro subordinato', 'lavoro autonomo' are allocated by the government in the limited quantities each year.