Residence Permit - Start Up Visa

Obtaining a Residence Permit based on the creation of a Start Up project ('Startup innovativo').

"Innovative startup" means a new company whose business model is characterized by a strong component of technological innovation. According to Directive 179/2012, Art. 25, p. 2 an innovative startup meets five following criteria:

1. a company established less than 5 years ago;
2. the company is headquartered in Italy or in another member state of the European Union or in states that have acceded to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, provided that it has a production site or branch in Italy;
3. the company has an annual turnover is less than 5 million euros;
4. the exclusive or predominant corporate goal of the company is the development, production and marketing of innovative products or services with high technological value;
5. the company does not consist of a merger, separation of a legal entity after the transfer of the company or business unit;

The procedure for attracting foreign specialists practicing in the field of creating and applying innovative technologies to Italy operates under the name Italia Startup Visa. The procedure was initiated by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and is regulated by Law No. 179/2012. The goal of the program is to significantly simplify the procedure of obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy for non EU-citizens.

Requirements for obtaining visto di lavoro autonomo StartUp
1. Citizenship of a non-EU country.
2. Develop a project with the budget of at least 50,000 euros.
3. Submit the module and business plan to a single window for the application to be reviewed by the technical commission through the website
An additional requirement for StartUp is the need to prove that the project is innovative *, rational and realizable.

* An innovative project means:
- At least 15% of the company's expenses should go to development and research;
- The company should be at least one third of those who have or is currently obtaining a PhD, or two thirds of people with a master's degree, or of those who have been conducting research for at least three years;
- The company has a patent, industrial feature or original software.

Benefits for a StartUp project
Benefits provided for StartUp projects will help to cut the costs of the StartUp company in half!

TOP 7 benefits for startups:

1. StartUps in Italy do NOT pay for company registration. Exempt from stamp duties and annual payment to the Chamber of Commerce (€ 450);
2. employees' salaries may depend on their productivity;
3. possibility of payment to employees and hired consultants with shares of the enterprise;
4. the state covers 35% of the annual salary of high-level employees with whom open-ended (termless) contracts are signed;
5. companies can hire with a contract from 6 months to 3 years.
6. The state also applies benefits in relation to the losses of a young company. So, in the presence of searches, there is a decrease in your capital for the next year, depending on the amount.
7. Postponement of the tax payment for 12 months

StartUp Visa procedure

Step 1. Sending an application
A non-EU citizen sends a completed application form to and a certificate of financial availability of at least € 50,000 to be used to create a new innovative startup along with a passport.

Official verification of the submitted documentation is carried out by the Italia Startup Visa Secretariat.

Step 2. Project evaluation

Once the preliminary screening is completed, the preliminary phase continues with the submission of the documentation to the body responsible for the assessment, the Technical Committee on Visas for Italy Launch (ISV Committee), which includes members of the main national innovation companies.

Within 30 days from the date of sending the application, the Committee informs the candidate about the result of the evaluation: in case of a positive result, the candidate receives by email 'Nulla Osta' - a self-employment visa aimed at creating an innovative startup (Nulla Osta ISV).

Step 3. Obtaining a visa
Within three months of receiving 'Nulla Osta' the applicant requests a visa D at the Italian Consulate in the country of residence.

Step 4. Submitting a request for a residence permit
After receiving a national visa, a foreigner crosses the Italian border and submits a request for a residence permit within a period not exceeding 8 days from the date of entry into the country.
The request is made by submitting the module through the "Sportello Amico" service operating in a number of post offices in Italy.

Step 5. Submission of fingerprints
On the date of appointment, the applicant must show up at the territorial office of Ufficio immigrazione in Questura(Police) to demonstrate documents and submit fingerprints.

Step 6. Obtaining a Permesso di soggiorno (residence permit)
The issue of a residence permit in Italy is usually carried out 2-4 months after the request is submitted. You can check if your residence permit is ready on the website by entering the number indicated on RICEVUTA (notification of submitting a request for a residence permit which you received in the post office).

3 common mistakes:

Mistake # 1.
Incorrect organizational structure of the business
Mistake # 2.
Intellectual protection of property is not formalized
Mistake # 3.
Tax payments have not been calculated