Residence permit - Family Cohesion

Residence permit of Italy for family members of a resident of the country.

Who has motive to obtain 'PERMESSO di SOGGIORNO' for family reasons:

- children under 18 years old.
(When applying for a residence permit in Italy, you must have the consent of the second parent);
- Spouse;
- Dependent children over 18 years of age;
- Dependent parents, in the absence of other children in the country of primary residence or in the absence of the ability of other children to provide support to the parent of a foreign citizen.

According to the 'Testo Unico' standards, a residence permit in Italy can be issued to the following categories of persons:
- a relative within the second degree of relationship of an Italian citizen (Art.19 Law 286/98, Art.28 Law 394/99),
- foreigners married to a foreign citizen legally residing in the EU and having a residence permit in Italy, which is valid for at least 1 year;

'Coesione familiare' - family cohesion.

art. 28 Testo Unico Decreto Legislativo 25/07/1998 n. 298
A residence permit for this reason can be requested by family members of a resident of Italy (the main applicant has Italian Residence Permit) directly in Italy.
The family of a foreign citizen staying in Italy on a tourist visa, has the right to apply for a residence permit in Italy bypassing the Nulla Osta procedure in Prefettura, without having to obtain a D type visa at the Italian Consulate.